Course: Information Security Engineering Profession
Diverse jobs
There are no industry restrictions for information security specialists: they can protect cryptocurrencies, personal data or systems. You can work in the civil service, finance, and gaming industries, depending on your interests and personal goals.
Multiple paths of development
Infosecurity professionals understand how information systems work, are familiar with programming languages and databases, and therefore have a lot of potential for development. Going into development, career advancement or management – the choice is always up to you.
Course Program
Step 1: “Hard skills for the Specialist
Practice on real company cases, support by mentors and mentor.
Unit 1: Programming in Python
- Introduction to Python
- Data types, functions, classes, errors
- Strings, conditions, loops
- Lists and Dictionaries in Python
- Databases and Statistics
- Multithreading
- Networking and Cryptography in Python.
Unit 2: Linux Basics and Working with Bash
- Linux: Introduction and basic OS concepts.
- Bash. The basic scripting tool in Linux
- Software life cycle, CI/CD.
Unit 3: SQL Basics for the Engineer
- Introduction to SQL block
- Data Extraction and Filtering: Entry Level
- Data Extraction and Filtering: advanced level
- Data transformation and sorting: entry level
- Data transformation and sorting: advanced level.
Unit 4: SQL and Databases
- Data grouping
- Introduction to Databases
- Merging Tables
- Subqueries
- Updating, adding and deleting data
- Creation, changing and deleting tables
- Advanced SQL
- LEGO Project Summary
- An overview of the main programs.
Stage 2: “Digging Deeper into the Profession”
Lots of practice and workshops. Help with recruiting and interviewing for jobs.
Unit 5: Information Security
- Information security: standards and concepts
- Normative regulation
- International and industry standards
- Classification and categorization of information and information systems
- Licensing, attestation, certification
- Types of threats and their modeling
- Cryptography: symmetric and asymmetric cryptosystems
- Financial systems.
Unit 6: Data networks and their security
- Networking: key technologies and devices
- Security issues in computer systems and networks
- Virtual private networks (VPN)
- Wireless networks: Wi-Fi
- Network and transport layer protocols: IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP
- Internet Networking: BGP, DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP2
- Antivirus protection
- Security Event Monitoring
- Vulnerability detection and mitigation. Organizing network security.
Step 3: “Testing and Security Organization
Advanced skills. Testing. Probationary assistance.
Unit 7: Networking and Penetration Testing
- Basic network protocols and investigation of network traffic
- Intrusion and data leak detection tools
- Attacks on network equipment.
MITM network attacks - Attacks on wireless networks: methodology and equipment
- Attacks on WPS, handshake hijacking. Measures to counter attacks
- Basics of malicious applications. Ways to detect malicious applications
- Metasploit framework basics. Popular vulnerabilities and automation
- Workshop: penetration testing.
Unit 8: Security Organization
- Configuring Information Security Tools (ISS)
- Linux Hardening
- Windows Hardening
- Active Directory
- Monitoring security events: Snort, OSSEC
- Penetration Testing: advanced level.